Sunday, June 15, 2008

Well they always said that Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

The saying should now be "The Designer Diamond is a girl's best friend." Walking around the hotel you can feel the excitement lingering.  Hundreds of Husqvarna-Viking dealers have just seen the unveiling of the brand new Designer Diamond.  "I can't wait to get my hands on it" and   "my customers will love this" are being said left and right.  It truly did blow us away.  When the machine was shown to us, I looked around the room and the expression on my face was what everyone else was showing. The new Ultimate Interactive Screen will allow you to see your designs with remarkable clarity.  The Majestic Hoop, 360mm  by 350mm of sewing real-estate, will change your perception of what a sewing machine can do.  Design Positioning will allow you to sew with a precision that the competition won't match for another five years. Certification starts tommorrow for the Designer Diamond so I will have all new information for you as soon as I get it.  We hope you all enjoyed the webcast.


Margaret said...

Have you heard anything about the new accessories &/or feet? How many feet are we expecting? Will there be a new update for the D1 &/or the DSE?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see things that you have done or find cool out there. Not just you but everyone that works there. I'd like to know how it was accomplished too.
You could put a list blog asking for input to something more specific like if you were to have ONLY 30minutes to sew/embroider - what would you do?
Another idea is "Did You Know" and give a tidbit out something small that someone else might not know and reminds otheres at the same time. - you can ask for input here too.